Original title: La Guerra di Troia
Peplum. Italy/France. Starring Steve Reeves, John Drew Barrymore, Edy Vessel, Arturo Dominici, Lidia Alfonsi, Mimmo Palmara & Carlo Tamberlani. Directed by Giorgio Ferroni.
Epic Home Video (South Africa). English dubbed. Widescreen. Very good quality. Selltape or possibly a bootleg.
Well-made, above average sword and sandal spectacle with Steve Reeves. 3/5
This is one the best and one of my favorites. Excellent film. The German DVD offers the uncut version and that bottom left pic is the cover art. Wow, only 3 out of 5????? It is talky, though, but still a grand treat just the same. The sequel aint half bad, either.
SvaraRaderaI have the german DVD but have yet to watch it. To be honest this is another one of those films I saw years ago and have little memory of except that I liked it. Rewatch coming up...